Store Policies & Code of Conduct

Fun. Fair. Honest. Respect. Community.

These are the foundations of our gaming community at Main Phase One.

Be considerate of everyone and have fun!  All staff, players, spectators, customers and visitors are expected to conduct themselves in a way that ensures all participants, customers, spectators and staff enjoy themselves as much as possible. 

Main Phase One reserves the right to ask anyone to leave at any time and may at our sole discretion prohibit you from future events should you violate any section of the Code of Conduct.

The following are expected from all players, customers, spectators and staff:

  • Fun: Games are fun. Enjoy. Your fun should not infringe on others and their ability to have fun. Be nice, share the fun, and treat others how you would like to be treated. 
  • Fairness: Games cease to be fun when players break the rules to achieve victory. A player should prefer to lose a game than to win by cheating.  Taking advantage of inexperienced players or customers for personal gain through deceptive play, trades, or promotion of competing businesses is not fair and will not be tolerated. 
  • Honesty: Players of any game should strive to act honestly while playing that game. If a player inadvertently breaks a rule during a game and becomes aware of the error before their opponent or a judge, that player should make the opponent and the judge aware of the misplay. 
  • Respect: Players, spectators, customers, staff, and property should be treated with the same respect that players would expect for themselves and their property. 
  • Sportsmanship – Winning or losing with grace is vital to the enjoyment of any game. The desire to continue playing a game can be spoiled by players that berate their opponents after winning or losing a match. Demeaning, disrespectful comments, or actions before, during or after a game indicate poor sportsmanship and will not be tolerated.



Code of Conduct: Harassment and Other Prohibited Behavior

Harassment and any behavior that disrupts another person’s experience is prohibited. Disallowed behavior includes unwanted physical contact, threats, heckling or jeering, or any other form of rude, offensive, or disruptive behavior. This policy applies regardless of whether the behavior is aimed at a specific person or group of people.

In addition, the following are not tolerated:

  • Foul or Abusive Language: this will not be tolerated at any event. You may be expelled from any event without prizes at the sole discretion of Main Phase One staff for any derogatory, abusive, or foul language. 
  • Sexual Harassment: Sexual harassment is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature, including but not limited to unwelcome sexual advances; requests for sexual favors; or other verbal or nonverbal conduct of a sexual nature, including rape, sexual assault, and sexual exploitation. 
  • Bullying: We do not tolerate racism, religious discrimination, sexism, purposeful misgendering, ableism, or ageism, etc. Hostile behavior including hazing, discriminatory or derogatory language, comments or activities will not be tolerated at any level. 
  • Theft – of any property is not tolerated and will result in a banning and a report to local law enforcement and sanctioning body for all events. 
  • Improper Attire – Wearing of obscene or demeaning attire is not allowed. You may be asked to leave if you are wearing anything that we believe to be inappropriate. This is at the sole discretion of Main Phase One Staff. 
  • Poor Personal Hygiene – If you haven’t taken a shower or washed your clothes in a while, we may ask you to leave and do so. 
  • Horseplay – Horseplay of any kind (hitting, mock fighting, kicking, etc.) is not tolerated. You may be asked to leave for Horseplay at the discretion of Main Phase One staff.

If you experience harassment or other unwanted behavior, please speak to a Store Employee to discuss or report an incident or concern. We strongly encourage guests to report an incident as soon as possible after it occurs.




We all want more people to play games with. Players should strive to help each other increase their play skills, game knowledge and experience. It is not a player’s responsibility to make his or her opponent’s plays for that opponent. However, discussing strategies, offering tips, or constructively critiquing game play decisions after a match has been completed helps both participants to become better players. 

  • Teaching a new player to play and providing other players with a positive experience are the most valuable things any person can provide to our community. We greatly appreciate your support in our efforts to makes Main Phase One and the communities we serve a safe, fun experience for all. 
  • Distracting an opponent or a judge to gain advantage shows disrespect to everyone involved in an event. 
  • Clean – pick up after yourself and leave the game space as clean as you found it, or better. 

At the end of the day, we want all participants, spectators, customers and staff to have had a fun and enjoyable experience and thank you for following the Main Phase One Code of Conduct to make this possible.



General Store Policies

These general policies are in place to ensure everyone has a positive experience at Main Phase One.

  • Scheduled events take precedence over walk-in/casual gamers.  
  • Gamers may not “reserve” tables by leaving their belongings at a table and then leaving the store.  
  • Promotion, Solicitation and Purchasing – conducting any other business without the express permission in writing from Main Phase One staff is disrespectful of the community and business. This includes the promotion of, buying or selling of cards, games or other items including any form of purchase or sales and event promotion for any personal gain or any other venue.  Doing so without express written permission is strictly prohibited and grounds for expulsion from any event and/or denial of entry for any and all future events at the sole discretion of Main Phase One staff.

  • Smoking, vaping, or the use of Tabaco inside of Main Phase One is strictly prohibited. Violation of this policy will result in an immediate ban from Main Phase One. Smoking and vaping is allowed outside of Main Phase One at an area of at least 30 feet away from any entrances. All waste products (cigarette wrappers, butts, dip cans, etc.) are to be collected and throw away properly. Littering and failure to follow this policy will result in a one time warning with a permanent ban for additional infractions. 

  • The use or possession of alcohol and other illicit substances is strictly prohibited on the premises owned and operated by Main Phase One. Violation of this policy will result in an immediate banning from the store, and in the event of illegal substances, a call to the local authorities. 


Participation in our events may result in your photograph being taken for promotion on the Main Phase One website, social media and literature. Some game companies also require photographs of our events for Organized Play support. They may use those images in their marketing efforts as well. By participating in our events, you are agreeing to let your image be used as described above. If you have a concern about this policy, please speak to a staff member.

Personal Photography – Be polite with your camera and how you conduct your photography or video recording. Photography and video recording are generally permitted. However:

  • It is strictly prohibited to take a photo of any person without consent. No is no. 
  • It is also prohibited to take a photo if a reasonable person would know the subject(s) would probably not want to be photographed under the circumstances.
PolicyRulesStore policy